Kanye West Analysis

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KANYE WEST "I can be vilified or misunderstood. I didn't come here to be liked, I came here to make a difference." – Kanye West The aim of this biography is to assemble the moments of prominence, delving beneath the surface and discovering the driving forces behind such occurrences that have created and allowed Kanye to become Kanye. Kanye West is the Worldwide Rap Superstar, Producer Extraordinaire, Fashion Designer, Pop Culture Sensation, Director, Son, Husband, Father, and Creative Mastermind. If there is a title to be had Mr. Kanye West more than likely has it, today he is one of the most famous people on the planet. He is peculiar, talented, arrogant, brutally honest and more often than not, extremely controversial. His rise to superstardom has been a rollercoaster, an extremely fast paced, fascinating and gripping rollercoaster at that. So how…show more content…
She recalled that she first took notice of West’s passion for drawing and music when he was in the third grade. Growing up in the city of Chicago, West became heavily immersed in the hip-hop scene. He started rapping in the third grade and began creating musical compositions in the seventh grade. At first his mother was baffled at her son’s interests but supported him and encouraged his abstract creativity. After penning his first rap song ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ he persuaded his mother to pay $25 an hour for time in a recording studio. Although this wasn’t necessarily what West’s mother wanted, she nonetheless supported him. After graduating from high school, West received a scholarship to attend Chicago’s American Academy of art in 1997 but shortly afterwards transferred to Chicago State University to study English. He soon realized that his busy class schedule became detrimental to his musical work, and at 20 he dropped out of college to pursue his musical

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