John Williams Research Paper

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Running head: THE MAESTRO OF MOVIE MUSIC 1 ( The Maestro of Movie Music Noah Cross Florida State College at Jacksonville Running head: THE MAESTRO OF MOVIE MUSIC 1 “Any working composer or painter or sculptor will tell you that inspiration comes at the eighth hour of labour, rather than as a bolt out of the blue. We have to get our vanities and our preconceptions out of the way and do the work in the time allotted.” This was said by John Williams on February 3, 2002, during an interview with The Guardian regarding…show more content…
Williams, when given the chance, started composing and arranging music for movies, originally starting with Daddy-O in 1959, then moving on to compose for Valley of the Dolls which ended up getting him his first Academy Award nomination. Later, in 1972, Williams ended up winning his first Academy Award for his work on the movie Fiddler on the Roof, but most people’s attention went to Williams when he received a nomination for an Oscar for his composition on The Poseidon…show more content…
Thanks to Spielberg, Williams won his second academy award for his work on Jaws, gaining him some notoriety among the movie industry. While working with Spielberg on Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Spielberg recommended Williams to his friend and fellow director George Lucas. Lucas, hearing about the works of John Williams, happily hired him to compose for his space epic film Star Wars. The composing of Star Wars has some of the most recognizable themes that most people recognize still today, such as “Force Theme” and “Imperial March.” Since then John Williams has done the score for all six Star Wars movies so far. Although George Lucas will not be directing the seventh movie, The Force Awakens, Williams confirmed in July 2013 that he would be composing for the movie, Williams added saying on how its like continuing an initial set of ideas, like as if you were adding continuous paragraphs to a story, extending the story to whatever length is needed. Williams also added that he would have to start over with a new story and set of character to get used to; including a whole new approach on how he has to write the music completely different compared to the old films. Doing this he is trying to find an

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