Rhetorical Strategies Used In The Ashen Guy By Thomas Beller

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In the passage, The Ashen Guy: Lower Broadway, September 11, 2001, the author Thomas Beller uses many different types of rhetorical strategies like; Imagery, Details, and Sentence structure to express a chaotic tone. In this passage Beller uses Imagery to help express the chaotic tone taking place, chaotic is the state of confusion or disorder. An example on how Beller uses imagery would be in the beginning of the passage when Beller starts off by stating how normal everything appears to be which we can see when he exclaims; “Their clothes were crisp and unrumpled, their hair freshly combed” (Page 60). Expressing that “their clothes were crisp and unrumpled” shows us that everything is normal so far. As the passage continues Beller uses the

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