Ramesses: The God King

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Ramesses: the God king Ramesses the second was one of the most powerful and influential pharaohs of Egypt. The mighty benevolent Ramesses were a leader, warrior, protector, and God to his people in ancient times. The son of Seti I and queen Tuya the idea that Ramesses was perceived as the highest of all the ancient Egyptian Gods in his time was a fascinating factor. However, how and why the people thought of him as a God was an amazing phenomenon. There would not a pharaoh like him for years to come, the ancient Egyptian people where aware of this fact and that is why they were loyal as well as able to venerate the king to the highest of honors. Ramesses's life before pharaoh Ramesses's life was full…show more content…
His primary opposition was the Hittites, a robust population of Asian decent, on whom he engaged in a long-term warfare. The major battle of this conflict was fought in 1274BC at Kadesh, in northern Syria, and depicted Ramesses as the winner, but neither power attained an irrefutable triumph. “The Hittites were a minor state in Anatolia, who started to penetrate peacefully east and west through gaining control over political power in the Near East. Along the second millennium BC, they became a exceptional power that ultimately succeeds the Babylonian state at around 1530 BC. They started exacting the Egyptian Empire during its diminishing strength under the reign of the hieratic king Akhen-Aton of the 18th dynasty. Far reaching communications from the Asian princes in Palestine and Syria also referred to as the Amarna Letters were sent to Akhen-Aton and his court appealing for aid, and alerting him of the Hittites increase in authority. The pharaoh unfortunately ignored them and never made a reply. This emanated into Egypt loosing control over significant areas in Syria when the assailants, helped by the Hittites, attacked. After the demise of Akhen-Aton, and the assassination or passing of his successor Tutankhamen, his spouse and Akhen-Atons child,…show more content…
While there was still some tension between the Egyptian and Hittite empires both nations were under pressure. The Hittites were confronted by the reemerging Assyria in Mesopotamia, and Egypt had its own share of political problems to they were a confronted by Libyans in the west. Political conferences were held for almost two years until a harmonious settlement was the definitive result in the 21st regal year of Ramesses regime with Hattusilis III in 1280

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