Swear Word Meaning

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The following are the types of swear words based on the classification of Hughes : A. Swear Word Related to Sex According to Oxford online dictionary (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com), sex is defined as “sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.” Swear words related to sex means some swear words that related to sexual activity and intercourse such as fuck, fuck up. Swear words related to sex includes the swear words that use the name of sex organs. Sex organs include human’s reproduction organs. Those name of sex or reproduction organs are rude to be uttered to someone, because it degrades someone’s pride. Swear words related to sex or reproduction organs such as dick, ass, asshole, etc. The following are the swear words…show more content…
- Monkey! According to online Cambridge dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org), the word bitch is defined as “a female dog”, while pig is defined as “a large pink, brown, or black farm animal with short legs and a curved tail, kept for its meat”. As online Cambridge dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org), the word monkey is defined as “an animal that lives in hot countries, has a long tail, and climbs trees.” Based on the definition above, the word bitch, pig and monkey refer to animals. Thus, those words uttered in purpose of insulting or degrading someone is classified into swear words related to name of animal. It is supported by Hughes (2006:51) “bitch has the longest history among animal terms as an insult, extending from the fourteenth century to the present.” D. Swear Word Related to Taboo or Religion According to Oxford online dictionary (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com), taboo is defined as “a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing” while religion is defined as “The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.” According to Hughes…show more content…
- Like hell you are! - You need to go to hell! - Jesus christ! According to Oxford online dictionary (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com), the word damn is defined as “(be damned) (In Christian belief) be condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell” while hell in Cambridge online dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org) is defined as “the place where some people are believed to go after death to be punished for ever for the bad things they have done during their lives”. In addition, the word Jesus christ in Cambridge online dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org) defined as “the man believed by his religious followers to be the son of God” In conclusion, based on the definitions, the word hell and Jesus christ are related to religion while the word damn is related to damnation. Those word hell, damn and Jesus christ uttered in purpose of insulting or degrading someone is classified to swear words related to taboo word and religion. E. Swear Word Related to Mental Illness Swear words related to mental illness are such as the word related to the psychological term like maniac, psychotic, psychopath, and pervert, words like moron and cretin, originally intended to be specific neutral technical terms for low intelligence. (Hughes, 2006:479). These are the swear word used in utterences on the
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