Japan Culture

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Japan is no stranger to the world that we live in today, as it is one of the most visited country around the world, as it is rich with culture, history and the unique way of living. It is also one of the biggest huts in the business world technologically and economically. Therefore, this market cultural report will focus on Japan as a chosen country. This report will be explain trough a thorough structure, first, by briefly explaining the criteria of the chosen country which will be Japan. Second, providing a detailed cultural analysis as well as the exceptional core apparatus of Japanese culture. Third, differentiating both Malaysia’s and Japan’s business culture. Fourth, clarifying how Malaysia can set out its businesses effectively in the…show more content…
In today’s globalize world, many country often have forgotten their sense of culture and adopt foreign culture as their own, however, Japan is one of the countries that still holds and preservers its traditions. Furthermore, Japan always open their arms in welcoming foreigners to visit Japan, in order to educate foreigners about their values and tradition as well as experiencing it. With the population of an estimated 126 million which gave the title of one of the most heavily populated country in the world. Japan has four main ethnic group which is the Yamamoto with majority of an estimated of 120 million people, the indigenous Ainu with the minority of 200, 000 people, Ryukyuan with 1.9 million people and the Burakumin with 3 million people. The fusion of these four main ethnic is what makes Japan as one of the richest country in terms of culture, as each ethnic has different styles of…show more content…
Second, appreciating Japanese business society, is the key for organizations that need to effectively take benefit of this business. Proficient collaborations are intensely affected by this present society's qualities and regarding them is a key segment to a fruitful business relationship. Third, Japanese has the tendency of taking quite the time to reach a decision to produce the best possible result, however, punctuality is the most important and customary for Japanese, as Japanese are very conscious in regards of the passage of time. Fourthly, senior people tend to have more power in making a decision, where the more established individuals are viewed as shrewd in Japanese society, and more youthful individuals concede to a more senior individual from a gathering. A meeting which incorporates one or more senior officials has a superior shot of inevitably prompting an understanding or a deal. Last but not least providing a business, where business cards are an essential part of working together in Japan. Business cards are to be traded before the beginning of a meeting. The beneficiary holds the card with both hands and understands it so everyone can listen to
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