It Was A Wonderful Day In My Life

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It was a wonderful day. I was released from having to keep my face down from an eye surgery I had had last week and it was a tremendous relief. The previous week had been complete torture and was definitely one of the worst weeks of my life. Since I had been released, I decided to go to my brother’s basketball tournament in Duncanville. After his game, one of my old teammates asked to play me one-on-one and I accepted. I went up for a casual lay-up. It wasn’t anything too athletic or special, I had done these millions of times but this one was different. As I came down on my left leg, my knee suddenly gave out on me and the pain was unbearable. It felt as if someone had taken a sledgehammer and slammed it down on my knee. I immediately knew there was something wrong, but I didn’t know the severity of the injury.…show more content…
I had never thought of a worse idea in my life. Around 2 weeks after the initial injury, I was out in my driveway shooting the basketball when I planted on my left leg and it immediately folded on me. As I was planting, I looked down at my leg and my knee looked twisted and was definitely in an unnatural position. After this episode, I finally decided to go to the doctor and he told me exactly what I was fearing, “Mr. De La Cruz after examining your knee, I’ve determined that you have torn your ACL and there could be damage done to your Meniscus. Although you don’t have to have surgery, I would highly recommend it if you want to go back to any cutting or twisting sports.” The news hit me like a ton of bricks. How could this happen? I just had a major eye surgery that will cause me to never be able to see the same again and now I’m not going to be able to walk for a month and have to rehab for 6

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