Narrative Essay About My House

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On April 22, 2012, my family officially put our house, my house, up for sale. The sign went up and the tears fell down. That was it, we were leaving, leaving this wonderful place full of wonderful friends and wonderful neighbors. I had already told my friends that I wouldn’t be coming back to school with the rest of them next year. Many tears were shed from me and my best of friends. I would miss Tom the most, and my parents knew leaving him was the worst part for me. He and I had been best friends since second grade and leaving behind a best friend like him was unimaginable. “You’re actually moving?” Tom asked, when I told my whole class I wouldn’t come back to school. “Yes.” I said. I wished I didn’t have to admit it. “We’ll all miss you…show more content…
A house. Not our home. A house.” I whispered as I cried, staring out the window. We made it to the new house at midnight on August 8. The electricity was knocked out because of the storm so we had to move our blankets and mattresses in the dark. We slept on the living room floor for the first three nights. About two weeks later, it was time to think about school. It didn’t take long to make new friends in Indiana. We met our first family friends, the Kapp’s, at the “ice cream social” at Oak Trace. School started and I loved it. I had tons of friends, an amazing teacher, and plenty of things to keep me busy. I slowly started to realize that maybe a new start wasn’t that bad after all. “I could learn to like it here.” I said to myself, over and over, until it became true. Visiting home was the toughest part of moving. Going back to the place I knew like the back of my hand. Going back to the place where I had planned to grow up, just like my sisters had. It was hard, I won’t lie, but I learned to value the things in my life that I loved the most like, my sisters and my old friends. Moving taught me that just because I wasn’t with the people I loved, didn’t mean I loved them any
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