Introduction To Applied Linguistics

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An Introduction to Applied Linguistics Applied Linguistics is” understood as an open field, in which those inhabiting or passing through simply show a common commitment to the potential value of dialogue with people who are different” (Rampton 1997: 14). Cook defines applied linguistics as “the academic discipline concerned with the relation of knowledge about language to decision making in the real world”. (Cook, 2003) It was established in the 1960s and 1970s that applied linguistics was concerned with language teaching (Corder 1973). It mattered because after the Second World War the development of language teaching (especially of English) exposed that many teachers and trainers and supervisors of teachers were deficient in knowledge about…show more content…
A number of historical accounts of applied linguistics in different parts of the world emerged (e.g. Catford, 1998; articles in Grabe,ed.2000, and papers presented at the 2001 American Association of Applied Linguistics Colloquium on the Roots of Applied Linguistics in Different Contexts), and a new generation of introductory textbooks, a dictionary and several state of- the-art handbooks were compiled(e.g. Davies, 1999; Pennycook, 2001; McCarthy, 2001; Schmitt, 2002; Cook, 2003; Johnson and Johnson, 1999; Davies and Elder, 2004; Kaplan, 2005). As scope is concerned researchers of applied linguistics began to look into analytically and critically the multilingual workplace, new learning environments, new media and professional situations. With globalizations new horizons got opened for the researchers of applied linguistics as people from around the world started gathering and the distance among diversified cultures became…show more content…
According to Alan Davies in his book An Introduction to Applied Linguistics: the real-world problems grip success and failure, ability and disability , ethical, cultural and gender issues, technology and lack of resources, the difficult and the simple, and the child the adult. For the last twenty years, there have been a number of attempts to renotion applied linguistics as part of social science (e.g Brumfeit, 1997; Rampton, 2000; Sealey and Carter, 2004). The effect of it clarified the idea to applied linguists that failure to achieve their goal is not only the language learning collapse but it also has certain socio-political issues. Applied Linguist researches require developing its critical standpoint and establish itself as a field of critical enquiry with a focus on language in the existent world. Alan Davies in his book An Introduction to Applied Linguistics showed how applied linguistics investigates and encounters the language “problems” by suggesting four study areas : language assessment, language-teaching, language planning, language-teaching curriculum and second language

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