Extrajudicial Killings Research Paper

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Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND A REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE There have been extensive studies that deal with describing the meaning of a word or a phrase by considering the words in which they co-occur. Such process is commonly called collocation. Collocations are described to be sequences of lexical items that would usually occur together (Cruse, 1986) and that the meaning of it lies on the words that appear next to it (Firth, 1968). More so, collocation has been multifariously defined since it was fused with Corpus Linguistic methodology. Recently, it was defined by Louw (2010) as a necessary instrument of meaning. As one of the key methods in Corpus Linguistics, collocation has significant theoretical and pedagogical implications. Theoretically,…show more content…
The major problem in the Philippines is that extrajudicial killings as a term, does not have a precise definition. Through the concept of collocations, the researchers can provide insightful results to further the current understanding of extrajudicial killings by examining the words that habitually co-occur with the node extrajudicial killings. Because of the fact that there is no concrete definition or generally acceptable meaning about extrajudicial killing in the Philippine context, the researchers compiled a corpus of news articles from major Philippine broadsheets. The corpus will then be explored using Corpus Linguistics method. The present study investigates the collocates of the node extrajudicial killings using Antconc, an open-source which enables the researchers to examine and analyze text with ease. The researchers organized this paper through chapters. The first chapter includes the introduction that articulates the statement of the problem, review of related literature, significance of the study, theoretical framework up until the scope and limitation. Moreover, the remaining chapter articulates the research method which shall guide the researchers in the conduct of the present…show more content…
It is not only focusing about the study of certain aspects of language, but it also focuses upon set of procedures and method for studying language. Through this method different linguistics patterns can be observed. Also, it enables us to use theories of language to explore the development of corpora that of suitable and machine of sufficient power to exploit them. In the history of modern corpus linguistics, it is at large during the late 1950s and it is commonly based on analysis of large database of text with the aid of computers for it minimizes the window of error (McEnery and Hardie, 2012). Views about corpus linguistic are divided into two there are those who view it as a method in language research and those who view it as a theory itself. Those who view corpus linguistics as a methodology that uses it to test, refine, and redefine existing theories against the observable language in the corpus is also known as corpus-based approach. On the other hand, there are those who view corpus linguistics as a discipline that uses the corpus to generate theories and frameworks and is also known as corpus-driven approach (Cheng,

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