Essay On Mungbean

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Pulses are the main source of plant protein for the people, particularly for the poor section of Bangladesh and it is called the poor men’s meat as it is the cheapest source of protein. In Bangladesh per capita consumption of pulses is only 14.72 g per day (BBS, 2012) as against 45.0 g recommended by World Health Organization. Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is one of the most important pulse crops of Bangladesh. The present nutritional situation of third world and some developing countries like Bangladesh is a matter of great concern since the most of the people are suffering from malnutrition (Mahbub et al. 2015). Mungbean is considered as the best of all pulses from the nutritional point of view. It contains 51% carbohydrate, 26% protein, 4%…show more content…
The green plants are used as animal feed and the residues as manure. Life cycle of mungbean is short; it is also drought tolerant and can grow with a minimum supply of nutrients. In Bangladesh, mungbean grows well all over the country. Among the pulses, it ranks third in area and production but first in market price. The total production of mungbean in Bangladesh in 2011-12 was 19,972 metric tons from an area of 20,117 hectares with average yield is about 0.98 tons ha-1 (BBS, 2012). Mungbean also improves physical, chemical and biological properties of soil by fixing nitrogen from atmosphere through symbiosis process. Recently, farmers are not much interested in growing pulse crops in winter season. Besides these, increasing area under wheat and irrigated boro rice cultivation has further reduced the area under pulses. The agro-ecological condition of Bangladesh is favorable for growing mungbean in the winter season although it is cultivated in both summer and winter seasons in many countries of the world (Bose, 1982 and Miah et al. 2009). It is necessary to boost up the production through varietal development and proper management practices as well as cultivation of summer mungbean (Uddin et

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