Criminal Behavior Theories

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Criminal behavior and the cause of criminal behavior has been studied by many different people over a long period of time. When looking into the causation of crime I started with the research and ideas presented by Hans Eysenck on psychosocial criminology, the biosocial ideas presented by Terrie Moffitt, Travis Hirschi social bond theory, Howard Becker, labeling theory, and Charles Tittle control-balance theory. Each of these theories were looked into by using questioners passed out to 50 currently incarcerated male inmates, along with data obtained from department of corrections, law enforcement, and the parole office pertaining to information on recidivism, causation of criminal behaviors, area of criminal activity, educational background,…show more content…
Psychoticism is believed to be correlated with criminality at all stages and can be described as having the characteristic of lack of empathy, creativeness, though-mindedness, and ant sociability (Schmalleger, 2012). Terrie Moffitt described biosocial as a two-path theory that is a result of neuropsychological deficits combined with poverty and family dysfunction, some people come to display more or less constraint patterns of misbehavior throughout life (Schmalleger, 2012). Travis Hirschi developed his idea of social bond theory came from his idea that through successful socialization, a bond forms between individuals and the social group, but when the bond is weakened or broken, deviance and crime may result (Schmalleger, 2012). Howard Becker developed his ideas of labeling theory by describing the deviant subculture in which a criminal comes from. Society’s response to the criminal and the process through which a person comes to be defined as a criminal and labeled criminal are contributory factors in future criminality (Schmalleger,…show more content…
The information obtained from law enforcement was used to locate areas in parts of Little Rock, that are high criminal areas, the types of crime, and income area. Correctional facility was used to obtain any type of psychotropic medication prescribed while incarcerated and any pertinent information pertaining to the inmate’s mental capacity. When starting with the 50 selected inmates this would allow us to see the correlation between the causation of criminology and education, job, and income of the criminal and their parents in relation to the type of crime. Another correlation can be formed between the area the inmate lived in relation to the type of crime committed. Other information that can be Inmate---------- Parents education/job/criminal behavior-----------Medication----------------criminal behavior ------------------psychological factors------------social balance-------------prior arrests-----

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