International Relations In Southeast Asia

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The international relations of Southeast Asia in the 1950s and 1960s were deeply influenced by a complex interaction between three fundamental forces: nationalism, the process of the decolonization and the advent of the Cold War . The main outcome of this was the achievement of only limited national and regional autonomy by the Southeast Asian states. Nationalism had spurred a search for self-reliance and autonomy. However the weakness of the nation-state, and intraregional divisions caused by both the pressures of the Cold War and contending nationalism, served to create a regional pattern of international relations in Southeast Asia that was largely dominated by outside powers and influences. Superpowers rivalry gradually replaced colonialism…show more content…
According to ASEAN's own statements, warranting the countries from outside interference was considered vital for their individual independence but also for the security/stability of the region as whole. The leaders of ASEAN also saw their organization as a framework for providing regional solutions to regional problems. ASEAN was also conceived in part as a vehicle to reduce interstate tensions that might otherwise be exploited by hostile external powers. Moreover, from the outset the ASEAN states linked economic development with security. The primary threat to national and regional security was perceived to be internal subversion, a challenge best met through economic development and the attainment of higher living standards . However, according to Michael Leifer, ASEAN has not been never a vehicle for solving regional problems. However, ASEAN's emergence served to diminish the prospect of force being used against its smallest constituent, Singapore. Singapore, acutely conscious of its vulnerabilities as a Chinese island in a sea of Malays, could use its participation in ASEAN to gain acceptance part of Southeast Asia and play a bigger role being able to influence other likeminded countries on issues of mutual interest…show more content…
The idea of ASEAN itself was conceived in the course of intra- regional negotiations leading to the end of confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia. After fundamental political change, Indonesia's decision to renounce Konfrontasi served as a model for its neighbours and raised the possibility of a regional order based on the non-use of force in interstate relations. ASEAN played there its first important role and all recognised ASEAN's value as a framework through to prevent a belligerence

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