Causes Of Poverty In ASEAN

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1. One problem in ASEAN is poverty. The GDP between the countries in ASEAN has a big difference. The richest country has a GDP per capita that is 145 times the poorest country. The countries that are mainly suffering from poverty Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia. These countries account for about 72% of Southeast Asia’s total population and roughly 50% of the poor. One of the main reasons for poverty is malnutrition. Malnutrition slows down the process of poverty alleviation. It limits human capital accumulation, reduce labor productivity growth, causes later adult disability, chronic disease, and early mortality which affects the society negatively. In the four countries that were mentioned above, mortality ranges from 30 per…show more content…
In Indonesia, a terror attack involving suicide bombings killed eight people, including four militants, near the Sarinah shopping mall in downtown Jakarta. The terrorists who caused this incident were Azahari Husin and Noordin Mohammed Top who are from Malaysia. There are at least 10 potential suicide bombers in Kuala Lumpur and eight elsewhere in the country. Many people suspected of being involved in terrorist activities have been arrested, but there are more out there. In Singapore, there were 27 men from Bangladesh who were suspected of terrorism acts. Singapore has many foreigner workers from Bangladesh who work as construction workers in Singapore, therefore the risk for terrorism is also higher. In Thailand, intelligence sources have claimed that ISIS will be launching a major attack targeting the Western tourists which police say could be launched on resorts, embassies or other areas popular with foreign nationals. Russian authorities have found evidence that 10 Syrian's linked to ISIS had snuck into Thailand in October. The UK Government says the threat from terrorism in Thailand remains "high" and that "bomb and grenade attacks" are a potential risk, including in places visited by foreign travellers. Many of the ASEAN countries are potential victims for terrorists. Most of these countries have taken measures by increasing the security. For example, in Singapore, scenarios of terrorist attacks have been played out…show more content…
The countries part of BRICS are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS was formed in 2001 by economist Jim O'Neill, of Goldman Sachs to mutually benefit these developing economies. Initially this group was called as BRIC and South Africa became part of it in 2010. South Africa was also a developing economy and wanted to be part of BRIC nations. Once this was agreed by the BRIC forum they officially invited South Africa to be part of BRIC and the name then changed to BRICS. The assessment was based on macroeconomic data of some rapidly developing economies and major emerging economies, taking into account demography, GDP growth and availability of strategic natural resources. The BRICS agenda started to include all major issues of global economy and global economic development in general. The common things between the BRICS states are mainly for economical reasons, but also because of their common interest in the concept of international relations based on cultural substratum, the respect towards various ethno-cultural communities making up the population of the respective states. BRICS is aiming to strengthen its two main pillars: coordination in multilateral fora, with a focus on economic and political governance; and cooperation between

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