Inmate Parole

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When an inmate is up for parole a board has their fate in their hands. The parole board has a lot of power. They can decide if an inmate is granted parole or if that inmate will continue to spend time in prison. There are some factors that influence the parole board decision to decide whether an inmate parole is granted or denied. One of those things is the inmate’s criminal record, they look at how often has the person be arrested. Is getting arrested a pattern for them or has there been a gap in the arrest dates (i.e years). When looking at their rap sheet, the parole board will look at the probability of recidivism. A person with a long history of being arrested has a higher chance of committing another crime after being released. Reason…show more content…
As stated earlier an inmate’s rap sheet can cause them to be denied for parole. But also, their behavior in prison they board will get a report on how the inmate has been acting since being incarcerated. If that inmate has been violent or got in trouble for assault the board can deny them. Mentioned earlier we talked about the board being criticized for making a bad decision. Not only the media, but the community will bash the board for their wrong doing. Now, the parole board does not deny inmates just because they want to but they do it because they believe that being in jail longer will benefit the inmate. This will happen if the inmate is making exceptional progress in treatment groups. There are some cases where the victim, or the victim family will talk to the board and how they feel that the inmate should not be released. The victim/family’s opinion and reactions can also cause an inmate parole to be denied. If an inmate has not served a good bit of time in prison, then parole can be denied as well. In a case like that, the parole is denied because the board may believe that the inmate has not learned anything since being in prison for a short period of
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