Shawshank Redemption Essay

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The Shawshank Redemption, a movie of brotherhood, corruption and crime, is set during the middle 1900s and describes life on the inside of the dark, dingy walls of Shawshank Prison. This dramatic film captures physical and emotional battles between characters and their daily struggles within the prison system. One of the major themes portrayed in the movie is the constant battle between the inmates and their idea of hope. Should they gain parole or should they remain caged behind big, iron bars? Throughout the movie, Shawshank serves as a prison, literally and emotionally, for everyone including the warden. The flaws within the prison system in the middle 1900s are revealed during the film which was the cause for the escape or demise of characters.…show more content…
He serves 40 years of a life sentence in Shawshank, and in return becomes institutionalized. After doing the same routine for that many years, Brooks is released on parole only to find that society has dramatically changed and he no longer has any quality of life or place within it. Shawshank creates an emotional prison within Brooks’ character which leads to his demise. Discouraged and looking for an escape, he decides to take his own life because he has no purpose outside of Shawshank Prison. Upon hearing of his death in a detailed letter sent to Andy and the other inmates, hope is lost within them. Some of the other characters are afraid they won’t make it on the outside and refrain from trying to gain parole for their own…show more content…
They maintain their dominance by beating and gang-raping new inmates which is one of the main flaws within the prison system. Andy along with other prisoners are targeted and forced to do unspeakable things. After Andy is beaten numerous times, he tells the warden what The Sisters are doing to him. Since the warden is using Andy for his personal issues, he feels like he should take matters into his own hands. The warden requires the guards to beat Bogs Diamond, the leader of The Sisters, until he is paralyzed and has to drink his food through a straw. This action leads to Bogs’ removal from Shawshank and is never to be seen or heard from
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