Great Britain Research Paper

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During the late 1700s up until the 1900s Great Britain moved from agriculture to industrial based country. Great Britain took the lead quickly during the Industrial Revolution. Great Britain had everything going right for them. Great Britain had the right political factors, social factors, economic factors, and was in the right place of the world. Great Britain also had intellectual factors, religious factors, and technological factors that other countries did not have. Great Britain had all the factors needed at the beginning to start the global domination during the Industrial Revolution. The government policies during the Industrial Revolution was a major factor in Great Britain’s success during the Industrial Revolution. Great Britain…show more content…
Charles Dickens was a major writer during the Industrial Revolution and wrote about life in industrial London. Charles was a harsh critic to the Industrial Revolution. He attacked the worst parts of the Industrial Revolution through writing what he saw. Iron and coal were the major ores that led to the expansion of technology in Great Britain. James Watt created the rotary steam engine. Watt’s creation allowed factories to not have to be built on bodies of water anymore. James Watt’s steam engine powered different types of machines during the Industrial Revolution. Watt’s steam engine helped Robert Fulton create the steam boat in 1807. Robert Fulton’s steamboat helped move goods between cities in Great Britain. Steam powered trains came later and become the main transportation to move goods across Great Britain. Great Britain created a rail system through the island and want other European countries to also build railroads to move goods faster in the Eastern part of the world. The Industrial Revolution cities in Great Britain increased trade not only inside Great Britain but with the rest of the world. The steam engine was not the technological advancement Great Britain had. James Hargreaves created the spinning jenny in 1764. The spinning jenny reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn. Richard Arkwright’s created the water frame in 1769, which used energy from a water mill to power it. Later in the eighteenth century the spinning mule was created by Samuel Crompton. Technologies in the textile industry exploded with each invention to make work easier and faster to make cotton
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