Indian Judiciary Importance

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“All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary.” -Andrew Jackson INTRODUCTION In any country, the Judiciary plays the important role of interpreting and applying the law and adjudicating upon the controversies between one citizen and another and between a citizen and the state. It is the function of the courts to maintain rule of law in the country and to assure that the government runs according to law. To enable the courts to discharge their multifaceted functions effectively, it is extremely important that the courts enjoy independence. India has had the privilege of having a Judiciary with a backbone, barring a few…show more content…
However, it is intended to hold powers and have a backbone, not to be compartmentalized into water tight compartments without any scope of freedom of change. The Judiciary should be able to hold its own in front of executive and legislature and that legacy was bestowed on it by the framers. They knew and realised that the judicial system in India under this Constitution should be an integrated system, and that it should be independent of the Executive in so far as it could be in a modern State. They took measures to make the judiciary as free from influence as possible by measures such as once a Judge is appointed; his remuneration and allowances etc. remain constant. Further he is not removable except under certain conditions like a two-thirds majority of the two Houses. He is precluded from practicing afterwards so that he is not going to look up to any future prospects from Government after his term of Judge is…show more content…
free from any pressure from any organs like executive. If the judiciary is not independent, the other organs may pressurize the judiciary to interpret the provision of the constitution according to them. Judiciary is given the job to interpret the constitution according to the constitutional philosophy and the constitutional

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