My Grandmother Comforts Me

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Have you ever had someone that comforts you when you are sad or scared? When I was younger there was a big storm that came through Stafford. There was a bunch of rain, hail, and lightning. We were all sitting around with a few candles lit because the power had just gone out. We heard the radio say that we were under a tornado watch and they were going to sound the tornado siren if a funnel cloud dropped. A few minutes later a tornado touched down just out of Stafford and the sirens blew. I was so scared we all ran down to the basement to take shelter. I was crying and then I was comforted and even though it was still raining and hailing I wasn’t scared anymore because I was told that everything was going to be alright. Due to him comforting me, making me happy, and protecting me, my Grandpa is my hero. To begin with, my Grandpa comforts me when I’m scared and sad. When I was in the first grade my parents were going through a rough time. They would always yell at each other and it would scare me. My Dad would get angry and punch things and I would call my Grandpa. I hated being at home when everything was happening, so…show more content…
When I was younger we moved into a new house and I got the room that was green and had flowers on the walls, I didn’t like it and it made me sad. I asked my parents if I could paint my room and they said that they would see. I told my Grandpa that I wanted him to redo my room like he did for Mariah. The next day he took me to Home Depot and he let me pick out new paint and a few other things for my room. He redid my room over the weekend. I never really have any time with my grandparents by themselves, since my cousins, Aunt, and Uncle all live with them. On my thirteenth birthday, I asked for them to spend a day with just me. My Grandpa put together this whole day for us to go to the mall and buy clothes, then he took me to Freddy’s to eat. We spent the whole day together and it made me super

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