Judicial Law In India

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SEHR CHOPRA BA LLB 20141017 SECTION B CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PAPER APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES The framers of India’s written Constitution wisely built into it checks and balances in order bring about a harmonious balance in the powers and responsibilities of the three branches — the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary — of the Government. The Indian Judiciary has always been given a lot of independence in our constitution and respect in the minds of the people of the country. Recently the Judiciary has been called the organ which is most responsive to the needs of the citizens and to the responsibilities of the government. Judiciary in our country has mostly been fair and uncorrupt.But the former Chief Justice of India S.P.Bharucha’s…show more content…
It has been prevailing with regards to preserving, protecting and promoting the Fundamental Rights of the citizens against the "developments of applied majority rule government" and for that reason it has drawn considerably upon the Directive Principles of State Policy revered in Part IV. It has maintained the harmony between the Union and the States, adequately implemented the management of law and has propelled the reason for human rights. This has been possible in light of numerous a strong, autonomous and learned judges, of whom any country can be legitimately glad for. Courts have not been reliable. They have committed errors. However, over all, the last judgment of the citizens will undeniably be that the judiciary has performed well and that they have outfitted the most astounding case of satisfactory aftereffects of any branch of Government. In the course of the most recent decade or two, certain shortcomings in the framework have become visible, in regards to which each Indian feels concerned. In fact judiciary itself has been pondering over these issues which has at last prompted the judiciary for all intents and purposes to assume control over appointing and transferring the member of judiciary in as much as proper election of judges which lies at the heart of the considerable…show more content…
This created the collegium system, wherein the three senior most Supreme Court judges decided on who would be a High Court or Supreme Court Judge. The Formation of the NJAC would have replaced the collegium . With the NJAC amendment, Articles 124 A, B and C were added to the Constitution to make the NJAC valid. Articles 124 A and B define the NJAC, its members and their duties, while Article 124 C empowers Parliament to make laws in the future to regulate the procedure for the appointment of judges. The NJAC would have comprised of the Chief Justice of India who was to head a six member commission other members of which would have been the law minister, two senior Supreme Court judges and two eminent people. A collegium comprising the Prime Minister, the CJI and the leader of the single largest party in Lok Sabha would have selected the two eminent people. One eminent person would have been nominated from among the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs, minorities or

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