Geographical Location Case Study

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ORTP July 2014 Geographical location can affect (Positively or Negatively, Directly or Indirectly) personal health and success. Geography Travers Gilfellan Index 1. Introduction 2. Review of Literature 3. Methodology 4. Processing of findings 5. Conclusion 6. Reference List 7. Appendix Introduction Geographical location can affect (Positively or Negatively, Directly or Indirectly) personal health and success. ORTP Outline of Research and Focus Aim to establish proven psychological correlations for my established requirements that define a "Good Quality of Life." quality of life (ˈkwɒlɪtɪ əv laɪf) Definitions noun the general well-being of a person or society, defined in terms of health and happiness,…show more content…
This is an article with an abundance of limitations to sum it up it is an article filled with nothing. It does however address the concept of how the look and feel of your surroundings can improve your overall health. Although this article discusses how landscapes can be designed to be therapeutic and does not talk about how geographical location it can still be said that the rules apply both ways even though one is found naturally and the other not. A limit to this article is though exactly as mentioned before (landscapes can be designed to be therapeutic and does not talk about how geographical location it can still be said that the rules apply both ways even though one is found naturally and the other not.) , because this topic is still under constant research it is not possible to provide a definite comparison between larger geographical locations and smaller garden sized…show more content…
A Fig. A Geography ORTP Where do you live? This will be used to distinguish whether you live in the city, suburbs or country. How does this make you feel? Happy Content Unhappy Do you feel secure in and around your house and Neighborhood? Yes No Do you feel safe leaving your backdoors or alternative doors open during the day? This dis includes your front door. Yes No Do you feel safe allowing your children to play outside(farm) or in the Neighborhood? Yes No Are there any Outdoor activities in your area? (Hinking, Nature trials etc.) Yes No How regularly do you attend such events? Never Sometimes Often Always Do you enjoy these events with your family? If there is any problem answering the question you are welcome to leave this space blank. Yes No Are there any opportunities for leisure activities in your area? Wine Tasting, Conventions, Concerts etc. Yes No How regularly do you attend these events? Never Sometimes Often Always Do you enjoy these events with your family? If there is any problem answering this question feel free to leave it blank. Yes No Do you feel as though you are overly-exposed to

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