Importance Of Time Management Of College Students

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Time management of college students Time is an intangible resource, but it can be used effectively and managed. The current social competition is more and more intense, and the time management strategy as a resource management strategy of the main components, the effective use of personal win is the key to victory. The time management of college students will directly affect their academic performance and college life quality, but also their ability to master career planning. First, the theoretical concept 1. The concept of time management Time management is the core of self-management. It refers to the same time consumption, in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the time and a series of control work. 2. The characteristics and principles of time management (1) the characteristics of time management ① irreversible. Time is a one-dimensional vector, with infinity in the macro. ② can not be stored. Time is objective and can not be stored, there is a limit in the micro. ③ fair and equitable. Time for everyone is treated equally, just and equal. (2) the…show more content…
Research on the Countermeasures of College Students' Scientific Time Management 1. Guide the university career planning, strengthen the sense of time management Colleges and universities need to guide students to establish a positive attitude towards life and the correct values, and strengthen the concept of college students' time management. Such as through the successful management of the time management methods, To create a good time management atmosphere, to experience the effective use of time to strengthen the concept of time to improve the efficiency of the use of time. 2. Set up special courses, emphasizing the combination of theory and

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