Apa Personal Statement

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Throughout high school, I participated in various clubs and groups. Competing in varsity athletics such as, volleyball and track have molded me for my future; as well as being apart of the Accounting Career Awareness Program, ACAP. These clubs and programs have prepared me for my future to work in the business world, because they have exposed me to leadership and taught me essentials for the workforce. Being involved with varsity athletics, I was able to develop my sense of work ethic, but most importantly athletics taught me how to be a leader.. The girls’ athletic program at my school encourages athletes to max out their talents and give everything they have for everything they do, this phrase is something I try to live my life by, and not just limit it to my…show more content…
This program has instilled in me the importance for accounting as well as how to be a college student. ACAP opened my eyes and taught me valuable lessons on time management, networking, as well as an introduction to college life. Learning how to properly manage my time is key for my future because it makes life easier, possessing time management skills show me how to have a productive day that not only gets my needs covered, but also some of my wants; instead of having a crazy sporadic day. ACAP also stressed the importance of knowing how to network; growing up I heard the phrase, “It’s not always what you know, but who you know,” and ACAP really emphasized this to be a truth. Hearing first hand, that several successful accounts received jobs based off prior relationships, just goes to prove that networking is the foundation to be successful. ACAP showed me a glimpse of college life because it was held on the Southern Methodist University campus, and we did everything a full-time student would do, such as walking to class, eating in the cafeteria, as well as sharing a dorm and bathroom with somewhat

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