Importance Of News Reporter

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The best part of the reporter’s job In fact, here are five reasons why being a newspaper reporter could be considered one of the very best jobs. I have worked as a newspaper reporter in several different general office of a newspaper in the Hong Kong. From the apple daily to the south china morning post(SCMP), no two places are alike. Each community I have been apart of has taught me something new – pushed me to expand my worldview and experience new and different cultures, all here in the Hong Kong. Plus, even if you haven’t had the chance to travel on assignment, great journalism has the power to transport all of us anywhere in the world just by reading it. In this business, the same as any, the “who you know” can play a major role your success as a reporter. But more importantly, the “who I know” is a long list of incredible, often times…show more content…
News reporters, also known as journalists, investigate, observe, interview and write news stories. Their general job duties include collecting information, preparing a factual story and creating articles or broadcasts that impart information to the public. These stories often involve local, state, national and international topics on current events. Often news reporters will also carry cameras and take photos or video footage of objects or places of potential significance. It can take weeks to gather information for a story, depending on the depth and new outlet for which news reporters’ work. Work hours differ depending on the medium in which the reporter works; for instance, magazine reporters typically work during the day and morning paper reporters tend to work in the evenings. There is heavy competition to acquire a reporter position at the national level and in metropolitan areas because larger companies require reporters to have a great deal of experience upon being
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