David Copperfield Themes

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Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at Land port (now called Portsmouth), Hampshire, England. He was the second of eight children of John Dickens, a Navy clerk, and his wife Elizabeth. Dickens's mother moved with seven of her children into the prison with her husband. Only Charles was sent to work in a shoe-blacking factory to earn money for the family. Dickens was traumatized by this experience, which found its way into his partly autobiographical novel; David Copperfield (published 1850). At the age of fifteen he left school to become a law office clerk, and then worked as a shorthand reporter at the Doctors' Commons, a society of church lawyers who dealt with marriage and probate. Dickens did not enjoy the job, and decided to become…show more content…
As an Editor, he had written them in The Daily News (News Paper), Household Words, All the Year Round (Journals), which included the public health, better education for the poor, and reform of the workhouse system and legal system, social issues, but also carried literary articles and serialized novels. In the present novel; David Copperfield, completely has the themes of ‘Abuse of Power’, ‘Importance of Kindness and Charity’, ‘Equality within Marriage’ as the pillars and these themes run all along the…show more content…
Through these parallel situations with a different outcome, Dickens shows that everyone has a choice about how they exercise their power, and that it is the responsibility of the powerful to treat the powerless with kindness and understanding. Another situation where dickens shows up a parallel contrast is the one between Mr. Creakle & Dr. Strong. Mr. Creakle bullies David and the other boys at his school to the extent that they learn nothing; whereas Dr. Strong, the headmaster of the school to which Betsey sends David, is kind to the boys in his care, genuinely educates them, and is loved by them in

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