Importance Of Leadership In Sports

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A big part of my life has been revolved around sports and competitions. From the six years of playing baseball, football, and basketball, I have developed characteristics of a strong leader and teammate. Through sports I learned that a great leader must have good communication skills, be supportive, and have the ability to manage failure. When it came to baseball, encouraging one another was a huge part of the game. I remember just always being up on the fence cheering my teammates on as they went up to bat. I was always thankful for my teammates when they would do the same for me. To encourage your team members really inspires them to work harder at what they are doing. Every team I have ever been on, I have tried to support my teammates and help them achieve their goals. When playing on a team I learned many communication skills. Not only did I learn how to be clear and concise, but I also learned how to be understanding and listen as well. I was an outfielder when I played baseball. If you have ever played outfield, you would know communication is very important. Imagine a pop fly split halfway from you and the other outfielder. It would be tough for both players to know who should get the ball but only through communication could you know. I remember the first time when I forgot to call for the…show more content…
As a student athlete I experienced many failures. I knew coming into High School that being a student athlete would be a huge commitment. I had many setbacks in my freshman year of high school. My grades were dipping and I wasn’t achieving the goals I set in the beginning of the basketball season. I was failing to meet my expectations and I needed to step back from basketball to focus on my studies. It was really hard for me to step down from basketball because it was a such a huge part of my life. I stand here today a better person because of that decision. I believe failure is inevitable but a good leader should know how to handle it like I

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