Freedom Writers Reflection

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Through all this detest and untrustworthy of each other, Ms. Gruwell tries to get the students to think more highly of each other and show them that each one is equal, important and not so different. As Ms. Gruwell teaches her integrated gang students, she learns different methods to inherit their respect. As the first day of sophomore year comes, Ms. Gruwell makes her class do a "Toast for Change", allowing everyone to open up about their struggles and how they would attempt to change each. Shortly afterwards, she introduces her classroom to Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl who lived through a rough life during WWII. For the first time, the students took an interest in their academics. To bring this history to life, the students organize…show more content…
Gruwell accumulates all of the student’s work and combines them into a book. She gives it a name: The Freedom Writers. I think the storyline of this movie is very well written, as in the beginning, no one pays respect for one another, but in the end, it talks about an average teacher, inspiring her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue education beyond high school. My favourite character from the movie is Marcus. He had so many issues since he was a young boy. He was face with many trials. He had secrets no one knew, he wanted to go back home to his mother but didn't know how to. He changed himself in order to show his mother that he wasn't going to disappoint her anymore. My favourite part from the whole movie was Ms. Gruwell’s speech after she intercepted the racist drawing of Jamal. It was the only part that touched me, because I was so intrigued. I had a strong feeling that the students would improve on their academics later on after hearing the speech. Ms.Gruwell tries to connect with her students by referring to cultural behaviour they are familiar with. She came into the classroom expecting that all of her students would be willing and eager to learn, but she quickly realized that her anticipation was
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