Feminist Theory Of International Relations

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MAREYSIA ZALEWSKI AND FEMINIST THEORY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Mareysia Zalewski, in her very recent book, ‘Feminist International Relations –Exquisite Corpse’ is trying to study the events in International Politics with a feminist perspective that would not directly engage the readers in a conventional way but imaginatively with a set of vignettes. ‘Exquisite Corpse’ refers to the methodological concoction with a symbolic deployment of a set of techniques taken from critical theory. It takes the reader through their unconscious proving the persistence of a grammar even in the absence of logic. The book, hence, is a good read for beginners seeking knowledge in feminist international relations theory and is a detailed study of the triad- feminism,…show more content…
“Feminism can be simply defined as the study of and movement for women not as subjects but as subjects of knowledge.” (Shukla) The primary motive of the critique was to question the fundamental biases of IR as a discipline and explain the multitude of ways in which women was denied their roles in Global politics, state, International economy and political security. O’Callaghan, in his theory on feminist empiricism, states and clearly explains the role of women as wives, mothers and friends in creating a stable military community. (O'Callaghan, 2002) In each of the principles in Hans Morgenthau’s “Six Principles of Political Realism”, what appeared to be objective always reflected male values .Objectivity was thought to be rational and unemotional. Females were always categorised as emotional beings incapable of making decisions for the functioning of a state. (Tickner A. , 1988) Feminist theory criticizes the discipline for being gender-neutral and blind to the impact that woman has on international politics. The key assumptions of feminist IR are:…show more content…
“Studying feminism within the broader contours of IR requires to attending both the methodological and ontological concerns of IR as well as the political commitments of the most important journals with their associated hierarchies of subject matter”. (M. Zalewski, 2013)The energy suffusing these feminist forays into IR’s disciplinary territory demands intellectual, political and emotional stamina which usually saps energy and hence leaves the trail

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