Essay On Visual Perception

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In general terms, perception is recognizing and interpreting the sensory information around us. And it can also include the way of responding to that information. Perception has to be understood as a process than seeing it as a collection of individual actions taken by brain to help understand and interact with the surrounding. For example, when someone understands a written word, he sees the whole word as a whole unit, rather than seeing it as a separate individual letters. Taking one letter at a time makes it difficult to grab the meaning. In addition, perception is what makes the environment interactive and meaningful to the humans. Not only for the human, but also this is relevant to the animals, but in rather different levels than humans. Look across the room right now and notice the objects you see. If you are looking out a window, maybe you see…show more content…
Intromission theorists, such as Democritus (c. 425 B.C.) and Epicurus (342-270 B.C.), believed that objects cast off resemblances of themselves, called eidola, rather in the way that snakes cast off their skins. These eidola are captured by the eye. It is the entry of eidola into the eye that allow us to see their shape. They took as evidence the fact that objects can be seen to be mirrored in the cornea of the observer. However this approach leads to unanswered questions - How do eidola pass through one another without interference? How do eidola of large objects shrink to enter the eye? How do eidola from a single object reach many people simultaneously? Extramission theorists, such as Plato (c. 427-347 B.C.) believed that visual fire emanated from the eye and coalesced with light to form a conduit that allows "motions" of the object to pass to the sensorium. However as Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) points out it is unreasonable to think that a ray from the eye could reach as far as the
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