Benefits And Importance Of Composting

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Composting is the breaking down of food scraps and reducing it into simpler compounds through the use of macro organisms and microorganisms such as worms and bacteria. It is an important requirement of organic gardening and it can be seen as a beneficial method to deal with all the different types of organic waste. Many gardeners in other countries, and small amount of gardeners in locals are doing it in their backyards, many businesses are using it thus paying for it, and cities are requiring it. All this composting is changing the environment drastically. It is improving garden soil and reducing the waste in landfills, which will release methane, a harmful greenhouses gas in to the atmosphere. (Hanson-Harding, Brian, 2014) People have been…show more content…
Besides giving people a place to recycle garden and kitchen wastes, a compost pile will provide you with one of the best soil improving materials available for free. (Nancy J. Ondra, 1998) By adding it into the soil, compost improves soil structure while adding organic matter and nutrients. People compost for a number of practical, environmental, and philosophical reasons and benefits. (Hanson-Harding, Brian, 2014) Firstly, compost is beneficial because it encourages the growth of bacteria, worms and other organism that nourish the soil. Compost can help in suppressing plant diseases and pests, and improve soil structure. It also help in reducing runoff and erosion and reduce the need for watering. It can also help to stabilize the pH level of the soil. Organic waste is buried in landfills and there is no contact with the air, which produces methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. Many methane emissions came from landfills, and most of that is from food waste. Composting food waste can also save money by cutting down on the cost of trucking waste to landfills. Furthermore, if compost is frequently used as fertilizer, lesser chemical fertilizers are needed to be produced, which are mainly made of petroleum…show more content…
Whether on what to utilize in making a good compost or what types of storage is better. Some ideal ingredients, good raw materials for compost include grass clippings, vegetable peeling, eggshells, coffee grounds, soft plant trimmings, and fallen leaves. There are also some materials that should not be added in a compost pile including bones, fats, and meat scraps, which will attract animals. Also avoid adding diseased plants from the garden, weeds with seeds, and woody pruning. (Nancy J. Ondra, 1998) It is usually best to choose and locate the best spot to pile the composting materials. Non-gardeners may see compost pile as trash, therefore putting compost in a form of storage will be a good solution for city gardeners. Compost can be created without an enclosure, but containing it has some advantages. Besides making the composting area look neater, cages, bins, and other enclosures also help to keep the material evenly moist, promoting faster decomposition, enclosures also prevent loose materials from blowing away. For example, an enclosed tumbler system helps to speed up composting process, it compost year round, due to higher internal

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