Freshwater Aquaculture In India

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Aquaculture As the second largest country in aquaculture production, the share of inland fisheries and aquaculture has gone up from 46 percent in the 1980s to over 85 percent in recent years in total fish production. The freshwater culture resources in the country comprise 2.41 million hectares area of ponds and tanks. The other resources where fish farming can be undertaken include the floodplain lakes and other natural lakes, reservoirs, irrigation canals and paddy fields14. Freshwater aquaculture showed a stupendous ten-fold growth from 0.37 million metric tonnes in 1980 to 4.03 million metric tonnes in 2010; with a mean annual growth rate of over 6 percent. Freshwater aquaculture contributes to over 95 percent of the total aquaculture production.…show more content…
With ensured supply of quality seed, the frameworks of seed rearing and growth out cultivation of carps had encountered speedier improvement and refinement through advancement made by the Pond Culture Division of the CIFRI and Government of India respectively, and further by their multi-locational trials by state governments. An All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on 'Composite Culture of Indian and Exotic Fishes' started by the CIFRI amid 1971 basically established the system for exploratory carp farming so as to cultivate in the nation high production levels of 8–10 tons/ha/yr. Later, three more AICRPs on 'Spawn Prospecting', 'Air breathing Fish Culture' and 'Harsh water Fish Culture' were presented. Carp cultivation, consequently, in the midst of the late 1980s has broadened its measurements in terms of area coverage and force of operation, with Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra, and so on., taking up fish cultivation as acommercial farming venture. The innovative work endeavors amid the most recent six decades have set carp farming as a vital economic enterprise as a fastly developing industry. The national mean production levels from still-water ponds has gone up from around 600 kg/ha/year in 1974 to more than 2.9 tons/ha/year at…show more content…
The principal components of this innovation additionally incorporates proper pond preparation, proper stocking density, periodic fertilization and regular feeding with oil-cake-bran mixture (protein 25–27 percent) combined with water quality and fish health monitoring. Livestock- based aquaculture utilizes wastes (both leftover feed and excreta) from poultry birds, ducks, rabbits, pigs or sheep/goats. Production rates extending from 3,000 to 6,500 kg/ha/year were enlisted under various systems, with duck-cum-fish farming being the least and pig-cum-fish farming being the most productive. High – input system: Higher stocking density combined with higher feed inputs is the typical attributes of intensive culture system aimed at higher fish production from unit area. Such high input based culture system utilizes balanced diet together intensive air circulation and water replinshment apart from other inputs as medicines, probiotics etc. for health

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