Importance Of Faith In God

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Although it is a common cliche for Christians, I can honestly say that my faith in God is my greatest strength and it has grown exponentially within a few years. As one who has been through a divorce, homelessness with my children, a nervous breakdown, depression, alcohol addiction and abusive relationships, it was my faith in God that kept me from giving up my life several years ago when I fell into a deep depression. My marriage had fallen apart. I was alone with two small children, no car and no money. I use to wander around aimlessly for hours until it was time to pick up my daughter from school. At some point, during this time, I heard God say, “I am God, trust me.” I can't say that I trusted Him completely like He wanted me too. But, I can say that since I started putting more faith in Him and believing that He would see me through my problems, the quality of my life increased.…show more content…
This strength was developed as a result of me surrendering to the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Before I surrendered, my nature was highly competitive. I would measure others accomplishments according to my achievements. When the other person did not meet my standards, I would “look down” on their achievement. But, once I became serious about my discipleship walk, the Holy Ghost began to convect me about my thoughts. He reminded me of the difference Christ had made in my life, and if I wanted to be an effective Christian I needed to start encouraging others instead of condemning
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