Formative Assessment Analysis

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Overall classrooms are understood to be complicated and unpredictable environments in which learning is improved when teaching is reliant on the ever-changing classrooms. Making the task of becoming an effective teacher of formative assessment very challenging, Black and Wiliam (2006) noted the size of the task on hand when they observed, revealing that the change of approach regarding assessment will also mean a change of teaching styles also as they feel that the formative approach it felt to losing control on the classrooms, and that it can take o several months or years to adapt into this new learning approach. As interim assessments are often being adopted by many schools to help monitor progress, formative assessment as described by Wiliam…show more content…
However, within recent decades there has been a shift of focus on the effectiveness of general pedagogical methods, such as teachers questioning, assessment strategies and overall student performance in subject areas (Ball and McDiarmid, 1990). Shulman (1986) highlights the shift in subject matter for teaching as ways of reflecting and finding multiple ways of representing information to pupils, examples of this would be planning differentiation within class to help support pupils abilities. Furthermore, Gudmundsdottir (1987) also describes this change as a continual restricting of subject areas for teaching and applying knowledge to best fit the pupils’ abilities. With ever changing learning environment within education, teachers often must adapt the learning needs to support pupils, Buchmann (1984) extends this view into that teachers must maintain a fluid of control or ‘flexible’ understanding and see the different concepts of needs and abilities of the…show more content…
Also saying that inexperienced teachers tend to make broad pedagogical decisions to either use learning assessments, learning preferences to test pupils’ prior knowledge within their subject. Moreover, within Physical education (PE), Iserbyt, Ward, and Martens (2015) reveals that the teacher of the subject plays a vital role in facilitating pupils learning and motivation towards PE. Asserting that if teachers have comprehensive subject knowledge within the activity they can develop lessons that are interesting and enjoyable for all abilities, increasing the likelihood of motivating pupils to become engage within PE both within lessons and extra curriculum activates

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