Importance Of Corporate Governance

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A brief definition of corporate governance, business ethics, auditing profession, stakeholders and the auditing committee would bring light to the discussion at hand. Corporate governance in terms of a South African definitions stated by (Reinecke& Albertus, 1996). (1996:21) “the way in which companies are directed and controlled”. Business ethics is defined as items of Richard T. De George (2015) “in this broad sense ethics in business is simply an application of everyday moral or ethical norms to business”. The auditing committee is an external audit committee that satisfies the important role of corporate governance. The audit committee plays a vital role in emphasising the integrity of integrated reporting. Integrated reporting is associated…show more content…
Corporate governance encompasses practically every sphere of management from action plans and internal controls to performance measurements and corporate disclosure. Corporate governance is a broad term which goes beyond referring to only ethical standards that must adhered to in an organization, but also include procedures, processes, links and responsibilities and accountabilities by which corporations are controlled and administered. Corporate governance means a system of management that is simplified and it is consistency to the objectives of the company. Importance of Corporate Governance Through contemplation of the goals of corporate governance, one can easily acknowledge its importance in the daily running of various corporations. The most notable factors that are generally regarded as the importance of corporate governance are the following: Lowering the…show more content…
The credibility and reputation that comes with having a good image in the public assist the entity to expand its customer base thereby improving its profitability. However achieving that good image is concomitant with a sound governance system. Therefore corporate governance is essential for corporation to gain the societies’ support and improve its perception the public. Success of the company Sound corporate governance does not only improve the company´s image among the public, but it also make the company more attractive private equity investors. The corporate governance is important not only to itself but also the shareholders and stakeholder groups and also to the country. Business
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