Importance Of College Admission

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The college admission essay is a great way to show off your personality. This article will help you choose a unique topic that will help you to get into your dream school. Why You Should Choose a Unique College Admission Essay Topic You might be wondering why you should have a unique college admission essay topic. After all, shouldn't you be telling a college what they want to hear-likely the same stuff everybody else is telling them? The simple answer is no. The college admission essay topic you choose will serve to set you apart from the other applicants; if you're writing the same thing as everybody else, there isn't anything that makes you special. You blend in, and you're easy to ignore. Your college admission essay topic should make…show more content…
The more unique your reasons the better your college admission essay will be. If you choose to write about something interesting you've done, make sure you appeal to a large group of people. Try to capture the feelings you had when you were doing whatever it was that you were doing. Be passionate. My college admission essay topic dealt with the first time I ever went SCUBA diving. I'm sure a topic like that is very rare, and I'm confident that it helped me to get into my college. Whatever you choose, the most important thing is that you be passionate. The admission officers do not want to hear the same type of essay ten thousand times, so make sure yours is different. If you choose an interesting and exciting college admission essay topic, you'll have a much greater chance of being accepted into your first-choice school. Good luck! Dickens has described women in a different way. Mrs. Joe raised Pip by the hand, quite literally. He couldn't do anything correct, and was hit and shoved unnecessarily (such as the use of Tickler when he came home late). She is what I have termed a "husband-beater". This is very unusual for the time period of the book. At the time, many people were of the opinion that women were the weaker sex. So…show more content…
Unlike other parts of the application, which are other people telling the college about you, this is a chance to speak directly to the people making the admission decision. While this thought might be terrifying, it is also a tremendous opportunity to create a person out of the litany of test scores, GPA, and recommendations that are the other parts of the application. Prepare Before beginning to write, you must know what good writing is. Stay away from books that promise failsafe strategies on how to write a college essay. In fact, stay away from college application essay books. The college admissions essay is just a short piece of creative nonfiction. To learn how to write well, read the best creative nonfiction that you can find. Look for essays in magazines like the New Yorker, and nonfiction anthologies. A good librarian will also help you to find essays you might like. When you find an essay that speaks to you, read it critically. Try to identify what makes it a good essay, and what clues are displayed about the author. Notice how an essay might be about one subject, but also speaks about another, larger issue. After you understand what makes a good essay, take some time to read a good book on the mechanics of writing. On Writing Well, by William Zinsser is considered the best on the topic, and states the truth that writing is much more than that first draft. If you

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