Mental Health Counselor Case Study

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This assignment examines the scenario of the 70-year old Allen who has lost his wife due to a tragic accident. When he is by himself, he tends to cry frequently and is unable to sleep. His children are all grown up and live in different states, but they are concerned that he is not himself and does not like the fact that he is all by himself. His children want him to move closer but Allen does not have the energy to relocate. This paper will focus on an assessment tool and the main problem in this scenario as it will be looked at a Mental Health Counselor perception as well as, how it is used for diverse clients. The assessment will show how it related to Allen's situation and the assessment will show how it will be beneficial throughout the process. Unit 9: Final Assignment In the scenario of Allen, who is seeking help because he tragically lost his wife due to an accident, and he is having a hard time getting past her death. He cries frequently when he is by himself and is having a hard time sleeping. His children are also concerned because he is a lone and does not have any one close in case he needs something. His children want him to move closer but Allen refuses because he says that he does not have the energy to pack up and relocate. Allen…show more content…
In many older person, loneliness is a common painful problem, and it can be even more stressful when an individual experience an unexpected death of he or her spouse or partner (Koc, 2012). The counselor will help Allen deal with his wife's death by using an assessment tool called Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), which Mental Health Counselors, can used this assessment tool to help him or her understand their client's depression

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