Disadvantages Of Private University

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As soon as we hear the word “Private University” the first thing that comes to our mind is SAITM. That is because recently it has become a debatable issue in Sri Lanka. But SAITM is not the only private university in Sri Lanka. So it is important for us to know and be well versed in this so called “Private Universities” before we criticize them. There are four types of degree awarding higher educational institutes in our country they are 1. Public National Universities 2. Private Institutes which offer Sri Lankan degrees recognized by University Grants Commission 3. Private Institutes which offer Foreign Degrees in affiliation with Foreign Universities 4. Professional Institutes which offer Degree Equivalent Professional Qualifications Currently…show more content…
World famous universities like Harvard, MIT and Stanford are private universities that serve mankind with significant inventions from their cutting edge sophisticated researches. In contrast our local (Public) Universities doesn’t have even basic requirements to produce new inventions. Good example is the lack of accommodation for students. Students are forced to share a room of 2 with about 8 students. And also a reading hall which can accommodate 200 students are being used by about 700 students daily. Therefore the need for private universities is vital although it has both demerits and merits. If we look in to merits given by private universities we can see that private universities are better at selecting new courses which directly aim the contemporary needs of the market and these courses has the ability to help students in their career succession. Examples of such courses are molecular biology, nuclear engineering, and medical…show more content…
Since private universities are not publicly funded they receive less financial assistance from the state. And since private university is bounded and determined to give the quality education for the money they are charging their workload is heavy compared to public universities and this will limit your time which you can engage in extracurricular activities. It is important that we ensure the quality of the education which is given by these private universities. That is because there can be universities which prioritize profits over quality of education and these types of universities can produce unskilled and under qualified
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