Cramner's Personal Ambition

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Between the late fourteenth to mid-sixteenth century, fear of civil war and religious belief threatened the personal ambition of every English king which was most disruptive to socially and politically. People such as John Oldcastle, Thomas Arundel, Francis Lovell, Thomas Cramner, Catherine of Aragon exemplified the constant threat to kingship which ultimately threatened society. During this time period, kings had to quell insurrections by eliminating possibilities of civil war and persecuting those who brought about religious turmoil. Many times the fear of these issues in conjunction with their own personal ambition brought about chaos and disorder to society. Nevertheless, it was not just the king’s personal ambition that was most disruptive…show more content…
Thomas Cramner’s “Letter on Henry VIII’s Divorce” speaks to the personal ambition kings ruled with, throughout this time, and the ability, people like himself felt to assert their own personal ambition. This is extremely apparent in Cramner dismissing the Pope’s authority to grant divorce. Cramner states “and the morrow after Ascension day I gave final sentence therein, how it was for the pope to license any such marriages” (Thomas Cramner, Letter on Henry VIII’s Divorce, 2). Decisions like this were unprecedented during this time and they began to create a division between the historically Catholic Englishmen and the newer Protestants. People could now question “what happens to the notion of the Pope’s authority” (History 320 Lecture, 11/6/2015). This brought disorder and constant questioning of authority. Cramner’s tone towards the end of his letter to the Ambassador at the Emperors Court, Mr. Hawkyns, demonstrates his need to legitimize himself and the king’s

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