Rhetorical Analysis Of Why I Want A Wife

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Perla Aceves Professor Sae Na Hong English 122 February 26, 2015 Why You Shouldn’t Become a Wife Judy Brady’s, “Why I Want a Wife,” is effective in communicating the stereotypes of roles of women and how husbands perceive a perfect soul mate, while demonstrating how demanding society has conditioned women to be. Brady’s definition of a wife takes on the responsibilities of both a husband and wife in an unfair matter. Her satirical style, use of repetition, and use of pathos and ethos grabs the attention of the audience in a creative, and powerful way. The author’s use of repetition of the demanding phrase, “I want a wife who…,” clearly demonstrates the endless list of expectations a typical wife has in an unrealistic way. Brady writes, “I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me…” (276). Basically, Brady is…show more content…
This sarcasm works because she expresses what needy and sexist husbands look for in a wife. She states, “Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a recent divorce…He is looking for another wife” (275). The husband should be grieving over the divorce, but instead he is looking for a better wife, as if she was easily replaceable. People do not replace wives; we replace products, like toothbrushes. Brady uses this satirical style to explain a wife is as if she was a product. She uses repetition to exploit the selfishness of husbands who think wives need to do everything for them. Brady herself writes, “I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene” (276). It seems as though the husband wants a slave to work all the time, and does not take into consideration that their on vacation and it should be a time for everyone to

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