Human Service Worker

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One of the most beneficial things that you can do to help others in your community is become a human service worker. Overall, human service workers provide a service to society, most likely during times of need. Often times human service workers assist people in working through personal crises (“Healthcare Careers,” n.d.). These situations often make the person feel as though they need some sort of external resource and direction in order to move forward in their life. Human service workers provide these resources through a variety of channels and jobs. One of the first jobs that a human service worker can hold is a case worker. A case worker is an individual who works with families who need help to remove any type of barriers they might…show more content…
A child life specialist is an individual who uses various training and techniques to help children and families deal with difficult times when their child is hospitalized. Child life specialists use play, preparation, education, and self-expression activities to make the child and family more comfortable and supported during their stay in the hospital (“Child Life Specialist,” n.d.). An organization that a child life specialist would work for would be the CLC or Child Life Council. The Child Life Council works to provide resources for child life specialists with the best practices and information to help the needs to hospitalized children. In order to be a successful child life specialist you should be able to work well with families, have good written and verbal communication, and be able to talk and adjust to the level of a child. It is also beneficial to be able to work well with other professions and be able to manage multiple tasks at once (“The Child Life Profession,” n.d.). A child life specialist uses makes between $30,000-53,000 based on their certifications and licensures (“Child Life Specialist Salary,” n.d.) You can secure a job in this profession by working an internship in which you work closely with nurses, physicians, and child life specialists. Some of these internships can be upwards of four hundred hours. The training you receive at this internship would give you the skills you would need in order to find a job (“The Child Life Profession,” n.d.) The benefits of working at this job are the satisfaction of helping families and being able to help children while working with a variety of other professions. The downsides to this job would be the late hours, the lifting and standing, and the low starting salary. The Cook Children’s Medical Center is currently looking for a child life specialist and more information can be found about that

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