Same Sex Marriage In The Philippines Essay

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At a certain point in a person’s life, it is somehow impossible not to think about having a partner. Someone who understand you in every way that other people cannot and hugs every piece of you so tight that you find yourself singing along to every love song that plays on the radio. A person who fits perfectly to every part of you that has been left in a void for a very long time and completes you. In short, a perfect match. It is universally known that every person tries and look for love because it is somehow the only thing that people believe could fix them. People look for love in every place, some even cross seas and climb mountains to find it and when they do find it they make sure that there is no going away so they engage in marriage.…show more content…
that the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Philippines is somehow yet impossible. He further states that the laws of the Philippines is based on the country’s culture which reflects how Filipino’s are highly God-fearing and does not accept or does not look at same-sex marriage or relationship as something that is morally right. Furthermore, the culture of the Filipinos are highly based on the teachings and morals imposed by the Catholic Church. According to the executive Order No. 209 or The Family Code of the Philippines in Article 01, marriage is defined as a contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family. Therefore, it can be concluded that same-sex marriage is far from the horizon on being legalized in the Philippines. However, Abp. Oscar V. Ctuz, DD (2015) stated that if the same-sex really wants to legalize their relationship, the term marriage should not be used but rather the use of “Partnership” or perhaps “Agreement” or whatever but the use of marriage is not. On the contrary, this will still not change anything that it is still not accepted by the Church or

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