The Benefits of Trademark. While deciding to own something exclusively, obtaining the patent, obtaining copy writer or obtaining trademarks may sound like terms and you chose to opt either of them. There might crop a lot of confusions amongst these three legal terms. These all are three distinct terms which cannot be used interchangeably. Where Patents may be defined as limited duration right pertaining to invention, issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office distributes these rights and exchanges
and disadvantages. However, mass percentile benefits from it as its affordable & highly customizable for innovation driven businesses. Open source software is fundamentally related to sharing and gaining wisdom from the communities. Open source, still gaining popularity compared to proprietary and it's burgeoning as more and more people are getting involved in modifying and gaining betterment in the code of softwares. We hear a lot about the benefits of open source. Slightly less often we see
only a little percentage of what is published in journals and books can be found in search engines such as Google, Alta Vista, and Yahoo and it was reported that only 87% of known journals and other books can be found on the internet. Aside from the pros and cons of both sides, both information sources are available 24/7 and all of the information in the library is still accessible (n.d.). Desilver, D. stated that students today frequently get their source of information using Google which makes
some important innovations are not patentable and, even when they are; patents are not considered by firms to be the most efficient way of protecting and of appropriating innovations. For example, software is not patentable, it is protected by copyright . The main limits of patents emphasized by the surveyed firms are: the possibility to innovate "around" the patent, the fact that some innovations can only be partly patented, and the detailed description of the patented innovation which is considered
Executive summary In this report I seek to perform multiple analyses on Accenture as a business entity that uses its unique set of resources, activities and capabilities that forms the basis of firm’s strategy. For this I have done the External environment analysis, internal environment analysis, SWOT analysis, competitor analysis. Also how it has tackled the dynamic external/internal environmental conditions effectively and its response to it and how Accenture has been able to decide on its strategies