How To Write A Personal Reflection Essay

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Reflection I am really interested in the theories and methods of learning. Why? Because I have discovered not only about myself, but also the others. In this paper, I would like to share some points that I have learned. First of all, I agree with the results of the tests because it helps me to know myself and others. Now, I am confident say that I am a visual person. I usually take a lot of notes and organize them by seeing and watching demonstrations, so I am most easily affected by visual stimulation. However, I want to be alone and get quiet when I am angry. I always make a plan for my life. Besides, I am introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging ̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣ (ISFJ). I take time and be patient when someone want to talk and share with me. I am also gentle, diligent, conscientious, and decisive. I love nature and like gardening. Moreover, my brain is wired as female. In Chinese philosophy, I favor the Yin; and in the Aura questionnaire, my color is yellow. Dealing with the Aura questionnaire, I was surprised at the result is “yellow”, not blue – my favorite color. I realize that the theory of the Aura uses colors as energy in the body. According to the Aura, each energy has a specific organ taking care, maintain and heal. Therefore, the Aura helps me to be with myself first, then become a co-Creator with God and…show more content…
I do not only concern about myself, but others whom I live with, work with and also treat with. They are useful for me to relate to others by respecting and accepting. Especially, when I make the lesson plan for my class, I should know each person that different from me. I don’t make it for me, but for my students; for example, if I am a visual person, I will make my lesson plan for auditory and kinesthetic persons. When I know something about someone, I can teach, guide and talk or communicate better. Besides, I can know how to solve some problems that I encounter with the

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