How To A Classical Concert

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When going to a Classical concert, a lot of people tend to think it's a black tie occasion, with the women elaborately dressed in long, floor-sweeping dresses, and the men in three piece suits and black dress shoes polished so brightly I could do my makeup in the reflection. When taking into account the fact that we were attending this concert in a University music hall, in as small a concert hall as it is, I knew for a fact that if I dressed to the nines, I would have been far overdressed. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to find that the evening was semi-formal at most. A majority of the audience members wore denim, and only a small number of the women wore anything close to a dress. The environment, like the dress code, was fairly relaxed.…show more content…
Repetitive imitation was used wisely throughout the piece as each instrument took turns playing the same melody in slightly different ways. The range of the movement was medium; difficult for the average singer, but still small enough that a well trained voice could manage. The second movement was Menuetto. This movement employed a broad dynamic range with a wide variance of surface rhythms; this, along with the polyphonic lines, gave the movement a whimsically dramatic feeling, like the feeling in your stomach when you watch a lion tamer stick his head in the beast's mouth. This movement used repetitive imitation as well, but the significant difference in this movement is the loud, sudden, dramatic cadence at the end. The third movement, Rondeaux: Allegretto opened with the clarinet. This movement felt more complex musically to me, using a wide variety of different musical techniques to keep attention. There were lots of seemingly random piano solo sections, each fairly short, and a surplus of trills. Filled with consonant sounds, conjunct intervals, and the use of whole scales, the piece took on a flirty yet somewhat irked feeling. The main melody was carried by the clarinet, although there were sections where the clarinet drew back to allow the viola to repeat the same

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