How Did European Society Change During The Middle Ages

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Part I: Short Answer 2. Europe was changed drastically by the people living in Florence and the surrounding cities by the citizens who experienced the devastating psychological effects of witnessing the havoc of famine and the plague. The massive death tolls proved to be beneficial in the later years because the cities were not crowded but the aftermath of surviving the plague had a greater affect on the peoples thinking and way of life. In The Decameron, "they settled down and locked themselves in, where no sick person or any other living person could come, they ate small amounts of food and drank the most delicate wines and avoided all luxury [...]". The plague caused the citizens to ignore materialistic things, and this could've been the start of thought and appreciating the finer, thought provoking things in life. In the aftermath of the plague, an abundance of land was available and wages were higher than they were prior. This was a perfect beginning to the citizens experiencing…show more content…
Their purpose of being alive was to serve the king and the monarchy as well as answer to and obey the Church. Peasants were not expected to know any sort of knowledge other than what their master/ lord expressed that they should know. The idea of feudalism was to have a social and political hierarchy so the peasants couldn't respond in an unfavorable manor to the higher powers. Serfs (peasants) were expected to serve and many died with nothing to their name. In A Life Under Russian Serfdom, Purlevskii expresses, "The process of 'enserfement' was the legal binding of the peasants to the land and the landlord resulted from multiple historical factors. Well known external and internal economic, social, and political developments all played a role". The life of a serf was not a favorable one, they were uneducated, served one man that ruled them and they did not observe the reality that surrounded
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