Dale C. Allison's The Historical Christ And The Theological Jesus

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Chapter one of the book, “The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus” by Dale C Allison, is a thought provoking chapter that could possibly change the reader’s mindset for the entire read. Allison captures the reader with his deep thought of “the problem with theological utility.” He stresses how confusing and convoluted this matter is to him. Allison gives an example of two scholars Robert Funk and Joachim Jeremias. Although these “men have different views concerning Jesus, both believe that theologians should pay close attention to the historians” (7). “Due to the various influences that these and other experts are challenged with, it is difficult to draw a line between the personal identity and the social identify,” states Allison (23). In Chapter two, Allison emphasizes the fact that he desired to know about Jesus only. However, as he “continued to study he learned that history was…show more content…
We are limited if we do not walk with Jesus. I have to agree with Allison. It is difficult for Christians to truly understand what Jesus was saying. I believe that is where the Holy Spirit takes over and assists us in understanding and interpretation of the Word. This is evidenced in John 14:26 which states, “But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (KJV). Allison also emphasizes that, “Whatever the truth is, only God knows” (102). I agree that God in fact, only knows the truth. The Word of God lives in us and the truth abides in us, therefore we will understand that truth as believers. Allison appears to have continual mixed views concerning Historical Jesus and the Theological Jesus. This book was not an easy read and offered much confusion for

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