National Honor Society Research Paper

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I am extremely honored to be considered for this prestigious organization. Since the beginning of my high school experience, I have been drawn to the National Honor Society. I believe that this group separates itself from all others by incorporating four major aspects that high school teenagers should be focusing on: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. National Honor Society has molded kids into amazing leaders in both the school and the community. Leaders possess countless desirable qualities which leads them to stand out amongst their peers; however, leaders also have a certain amount of responsibility to guide their followers down the right path. In my opinion, leading by example is the most crucial responsibility because as Mark Twain once said, “ Actions speak louder than words.” Therefore, people see the good and bad actions of leaders and they may follow those actions; this puts a great amount of stress on leaders to always do the right thing, no matter the circumstances.…show more content…
However, tough classes throughout the day paired with challenging homework, while participating in extracurricular activities, leads to some terribly long nights and a rough time trying to earn those desirable grades. Between my freshman year and the first semester as a sophomore, I have received a GPA of ????. I did not receive good grades by taking regular classes because I knew I could push myself further into all honors and advanced placement classes. Leaders do not take the easy way out, they push themselves, even though they know it may be more difficult. I learned by taking this route, of harder classes, I could achieve more for myself and inspire others to follow my

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