How Does Globalization Affect Canada

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Have you ever thought if globalization did not happen, what would your life be? Globalization is the process by which the experience of everyday life, marked by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, is becoming standardized around the world. Globalization makes the world more accessible to all people. The phenomena of globalization first begin in a primitive form when humans first settled into different areas; however it has shown a rather steady and rapid progress in recent times and has became an international dynamic which due to technological advancements, has increase in speed and scale, so that countries in all five continents have been effected and engaged. The goal of globalization is to provide organizations a superior…show more content…
First of all, globalization provides new markets in Canada and it provides better jobs for Canadians. When companies open their branch plant in Canada, it provides many opportunities for Canadian workers to work. Global trade gives Canadians access to many products, such as fruits, that cannot be produced in Canada. Global trade means that producing fruits such as bananas, mangoes, oranges and kiwi’s that are easy to find in Canadian grocery stores. This demonstrates that farmers in developing countries have an opportunity to produce and sell more goods and make a high quality living, which means it is really helpful for both labours in poor countries and…show more content…
International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agents. Recent developments throughout the world, including failed states, economic deregulation, privatization, and trade liberalization across borders, components of what has come to be known as globalization—have led to the emergence of powerful non-state actors who have resources sometimes greater than those of many states. International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agent factors related to globalization can also cause workers to migrate from their homelands in poorer countries to more developed countries such as Canada to find work. The migrant labours may leave their families and live temporarily in Canada. Furthermore, most of their earnings may be sent home, reducing the benefits their employment could have in the country where they are employed. They can also continue to follow their religions, customs, and even follow their own cultures. Canada is really welcomed country to other nationalities and it is really easy for workers and Canadians to adapt each other. This raises questions of the role of human rights, as a consequence of
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