Introduction To Authentic Counselling

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Entry into Authentic Counselling 1. My current set of values and beliefs about human beings Societies’ age, education, gender, and other characteristics mainly define the life conditions to which they are exposed. These include their socialization and learning experiences, the social roles they play, the beliefs and approvals they come across, and the skills they develop. Therefore, differences in contextual characteristics represent differences in the life conditions that affect value priorities. The values that I believe in play a very important role in my life. These important values have been greatly influenced by my family. My values include family, education, religion, and freedom and respect. The beliefs I have are important because…show more content…
They are professional, confidential and solution focused. This organisation entails helping people resolve individual addiction and family related problems. The main focus of the organisation is that consultation with a counsellor is a partnership between a client and a skilled professional that enables the client to reach their full potential and meet their personal goals. Their focus includes: gangsterism, domestic violence, abuse for women and children, school drop-outs, as well as other criminal activities. The services offered are: Prevention and Awareness Programme, Diversion programme, Out-patient treatment of alcohol and other drugs, Training and Educational programmes as well as Community development. They also have a support group called “Ke Moja” where people can come and freely express their addiction, emotional state and dilemmas to the counsellor and where ideas, feelings and emotions are shared with others going through, or those who have already gone through the same experience as they have. During my time in these sessions (when I was volunteering), I noticed many values being displayed such as respecting human rights and self-esteem, ensuring the honesty of counsellor-client relationships, improving the quality of professional…show more content…
Sometimes we are not really aware of the ideas we have until a situation comes up that makes us think about what we believe. Often that is a situation where we meet people who have different opinions to us. There are several reasons why it is important for us to be aware of our values. One is that being aware of our values helps us to make choices in our lives that fit with our values. When we do that, we can respect ourselves for the way we live our lives. Another reason is that being aware of our values helps us to understand that not everyone feels the same, and it helps us to respect others even if the values they hold are different from ours, especially in a counselling situation where one will come into contact with many different people of many different backgrounds. Everyone is entitled to their own values, attitudes and beliefs. It is important to have unconditional positive regard, acceptance and respect that other people may have different attitudes, values and beliefs than me. We do not have the right to expect that others change their values, attitudes and beliefs to suit

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