How Did Steve Jobs Impact Society

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"Design is not what it looks like and feel like. Design is how it works" (Jobs). Steve Jobs presently has one of the best positive impacts on society by changing the way we see the world, making his talents into storytelling, and putting the internet in our pockets. First Steve Jobs changed the way we saw the world by building one of the nations most successful trademarks just from his garage. Steve Jobs was an inspiring American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor born on February 24th, 1955, in San Francisco. He first co-founded Apple Computers Inc. than later on invented revolutionary technologies, for example the iPad and iPhone.Also by making computers, personal he made a radical change to information not only obtainable, but innate and convivial. Steve was fond that "The only way to do great work is to love what you do"(Jobs). He made a difference in our lives, accomplished one of the most extraordinary achievements and reassigned corporations. Jobs…show more content…
"Our goal is to make the best devices in the world, not to be the biggest"(Jobs). Jobs helped connect every aspect of our lives. Making us see the world different was on Jobs agenda. Jobs makes his talents into storytelling by bringing joy and laughs to many kids and adults. Steve Jobs bought Pixar, which was previously named The Graphics Group for $10 million, from Lucasfilmer Computer Graphics in 1986. Toys Story was the first film by the partnership with Jobs. He was credited as an executive producer that got the job done. Steve Jobs and company produced hits. Jobs instantly became one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. He also became a member of the board directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006. Walt Disney soon successfully bought Pixar from Steve Jobs."Why would I ever want to run Disney? Wouldn’t it make more sense just to sell them Pixar and

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